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Welcome to jollyjumper.ru!

       Dear guests! You have entered the website of the exclusive distributor of the Jollyjumper devices in Russia! Jollyjumpers are marvelous devices that allow their users to jump high in the air, move with incredible speed, and perform various stunts when the user is skilled enough. In other countries they are known as Flyjumpers or Powerisers.

       The Jollyjumper trade mark is created specially for Russia.

       The site is in Russian, and if you are interested in Jollyjumpers or in Flyjumpers in general, but can't read in Russian, you can either register on our site and leave us a message in English, so that we can respond you personally, or browse through our Links section which can direct you to many other websites all over the world!

       If you already enjoy using the Jumpers, and would like to share your experience with us in any form (articles, pictures, video, etc.), or simply would like to post your opinion about the site or the product or announce your own website, you are welcome to do that by registering and sending us a message. Also, feel free to communicate through our Forum!

       We are grateful to everyone who is not indifferent to the progress of this sport and active recreation in the world, and would be pleased to translate your materials into Russian and post them on our website, so that more people could benefit from your experience!

      Send us questions, and we will respond!

      You can register to order jollyjumpers on-line and to participate in other website activities.

      If you are already a registered user, but you don't remember your password, you can recover it.

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All rights reserved
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